Swim in the ocean of my thoughts... math, school, teaching, studies, movies... and just about any nonsense stuff that bugs my mind... I can't do anything else but SHOUT! If you feel like "shouting", you're welcome here.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

graduate school

Heck! I'm taking rusts off my brain so I am here at West V to study. How time flies! I am now taking up PH D in Science Education. As my brother said, it is the highest accolade. Cheche! Ekek! Whatever.

Anyway, I don't like this blog. I am almost in the verge of deleting this. But... come to think of it. This is where my progress in blogging can be seen. This is also a true representation of my mind... so disorganized... so random.. but not really chaotic. Anyway, for my more substantial blah blah... i made another blog. Well, I made it a long time ago.

Oh shucks! I am suppose to talk about graduate school. Well, I have to admit there's pressure. But sometimes the pressure is unnecessary and senseless. Sometimes it is discouraging. Most of the time, there is pressure but there is no challenge.

Way back at UP I have experienced wringing my brain for intellectual juice. Right now, I am doing the same in my research subject. Duh! It is like looking a black cat in a dark room that is not there. Indeed... very very difficult.
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