Swim in the ocean of my thoughts... math, school, teaching, studies, movies... and just about any nonsense stuff that bugs my mind... I can't do anything else but SHOUT! If you feel like "shouting", you're welcome here.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm back

After a looong hiatus, I'm back to blogging. Heck!

I need to update you with my life, right? Well, in case you're interested, my life is NOT interesting. <('-')> Perhaps, I shall try to add spice to this boring life. But, hey! Do I have the guts?

During weekddays, my day starts at 5 AM, in which I spend 30 minutes in yoga. Whaaat?!> Yoga! Ah, no. What i mean is .... 30 minutes put to waste. nothing. I do nothing in the first 30 minutes of my day. Basically, I just sit and hope that my work will NOT start at 7:20. Instead, I'll just have a 9-5 job.

Yes, dahlin', I'm still at Sun Yat Sen High School of ILoilo, Inc.
Usually, I must be in school before 7 and I go out at 6 PM. Between 7 AM and 6 PM, the usual stuff happens. Students misbehave , teachers get angry, get 1/2 stuff.. etc. But, if you are keen enough to observe the ever-interesting lives of the students you will surely be inspired to write a best-seller. Anyway, after a tiresome day behind "bars" at Tiong San, I drop by at Toto's for a sumptuous dinner and juicy stories. After that, I go back to the boarding house, hating the traffic and wishing for better traffic services and nice car... Duh!

Well... well... people. What's up with the Tiong San community?
We are on ou road to "quality education". Yes, even with the flood and typhoon, regular classes will continue. Once, I was a bit ashamed that I arrived 2 minutes late while my students wait for me. Gosh! only 2 were absent.

What is the "big issue" today?
The acquaintance party which is suppose to be held tomorrow is postponed. We'll have it next week, on July 28. Guys, tsk tsk... Few hours, after the announceemnt, some students conducted a survey whether or not the party must be postponed. Duhh!@@@

What's up with UP?
Yehey!!!! I almost can't believe it. I alraedy finished teh academic requirements at UP. I just have few days left before the Comprehensive Exam. Oh, gosh!!!! I have not started with my review!!!! Oh, poeple help me pray!!!! This is going to be difficult.
Mark the date. It's going to be August 19 and 21.


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